Offshore Wind Energy – Long-term Storage of up to 25 years with INTERCEPT

Intercept Offshore Windenergy

“Offshore wind energy” means the generation of electricity from wind power on the sea. The offshore wind farms in the waters of Germany, Denmark, Great Britain, Sweden, Belgium and the Netherlands are already located in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. They are connected by sea cable to the electricity network on the mainland.

n the course of the energy supply and to ensure a permanent electricity and communication connection, replacement cables are stored directly at the port. Two of these 6m high overseas cable drums were packed with INTERCEPT Shrink Film and PE-LD power shrink film for long-term storage of up to 25 years. INTERCEPT Technology provides reliable protection against damage caused by corrosion or UV radiation, thus enabling a cost-saving and sustainable storage of expensive goods.

  • Outside storage
  • Long term storage
  • UV protection
  • Temperature Independent protection
  • Corrosion protection at the port